Personal carbon footprint calculator
Carbon footprint calculator
This page lets readers calculate their environmental impact on the planet and so identify how they can reduce their carbon footprint.The carbon footprint calculator I like most is the DECC one inserted below. It allows your energy use over a year to be calculated. Some items like home heating and travel may be divided by the number of people in the house or car. Others are energy use by you alone. The home energy consumption figures can be obtained from the Building Energy Calculator on this site. Before you start the carbon footprint calculator, you should have details from the building energy calculator to hand together with data of miles driven, flights taken and so on. If you log on to the DECC site you can store your data on the site and update it as you progress in reducing your carbon footprint over the years.
Carbon footprint calculator
To carry out your footprint calculation, click on the Carbon footprint calculator below, fill in the various forms of energy use, then return to this page.
Click on Carbon footprint calculator (DECC)
Having filled in my footprint for 2015, my carbon footprint is 2.1 tonne CO2 for me, (house footprint / 2), flights 0.04 tonne, car 0.8 tonne (car footprint / 2), bus and rail journeys 0.23 tonne and secondary activities like eating, buying clothes, etc. 3.72 tonnes, totaling 6.9 tonne per annum. As the average for the UK is 9.8 tonne per annum, I am 70 % of that, not quite as good as I had hoped for.